

Agência de Marketing e Tecnologia para HubSpot

Create the best LinkedIn Campaigns with HubSpot


Do you know how to use all the HubSpot tools at your disposal to create successful campaigns with LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn is the largest professional Social Network and an excellent place to start relationships with prospects and future clients. This platform offers information like no other, such as: workplace, location, title, training and other areas of interest, all crucial to B2B segmentation. It's not that we can't find these fields, for example, in Facebook, but users are much more likely to give this data to LinkedIn, since it is a platform designed for professional networking.

One of the HubSpot integrations is LinkedIn Ads. Just like any other online ad tool, LinkedIn Ads allows you to reach your audience more effectively, and its integration with HubSpot will help you get a more holistic view of your campaigns. Shall we get started?


Reaching your target

Whether you work in B2B or B2C, you should focus your efforts in reaching the decision maker. It's not worth making adverts for children if you are not involving also the parents, who hold the actual power of making the decision. Likewise, on LinkedIn, you should always target users that you know have the final say in a decision.

The simplest way to use this integration is to create contact lists from your HubSpot CRM to be used as a target audience as your LinkedIn Ads' target. But by connecting your LinkedIn account with HubSpot, you can also apply your LinkedIn Insight tag, or pixel, to your site to be able to relay your LinkedIn campaigns to specific pages. So you can, for example, send a specific LinkedIn campaign to everyone who visited your pricing page.


Consistent storytelling

A successful campaign must unfold where your target audience is, and this requires some synergy between all the contact touchpoints, whether offline or on other social networks. It is imperative that your storytelling is consistent throughout the campaign and through all touchpoints.

The simple promotion of an eBook can be highly personalized and automated to track your leads across all digital channels, from the LinkedIn post with which you initially interact, to the follow-up emails you should receive after the eBook is delivered, to suggest more content of interest.



Setting goals is the foundation of any successful campaign. Set your SMART goals and use HubSpot's reporting tool to understand how people are interacting with your LinkedIn ads. In the Hubspot ad panel, you can further filter your data according to several different attribution models.

If you set goals for each phase of the journey and are consistent in this analysis (which points are more likely to turn into conversions, which points are generating more website traffic, etc.), you will be able to identify where you can apply LinkedIn ads and which points should be optimized.


Results, results, results!

Never forget your ultimate goal: profit! With HubSpot's ROI calculator, you'll be able to watch your return on investment and the entire investment journey: how publications led to clicks, how clicks led to HubSpot CRM contacts, and how many of those contacts became customers. Use this information to better understand where success is coming from and what needs to be optimized.

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